1 romp
1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) jugar ruidosa y entusiasmadamente, divertirse jugando2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) realizar sin dificultad
2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) retozotr[rɒmp]1 jugar, retozar1 jugueteoromp ['rɑmp] vifrolic: retozar, jugetearromp n: retozo mn.• retozo s.m.• trisca s.f.v.• corretear v.• juguetear v.• retozar v.• triscar v.
I rɑːmp, rɒmpa) ( frolic) retozo mb) ( sexual) revolcón m (fam)c) (play, film, novel) (journ) obra divertida y sin pretensionesd) ( easy race to win) carrera f fácil
a) ( frolic) retozar*b) ( move boisterously) correr alegrementec) ( move with ease) (+ adv compl)[rɒmp]he romped home — ganó sin dificultades, barrió (fam)
1.N retozo m- have a romp in the hay2.VI retozar; [lambs etc] brincar, correr alegrementeto romp home — (=win easily) ganar fácilmente
* * *
I [rɑːmp, rɒmp]a) ( frolic) retozo mb) ( sexual) revolcón m (fam)c) (play, film, novel) (journ) obra divertida y sin pretensionesd) ( easy race to win) carrera f fácil
a) ( frolic) retozar*b) ( move boisterously) correr alegrementec) ( move with ease) (+ adv compl)he romped home — ganó sin dificultades, barrió (fam)
2 romp
romp 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) tumle/boltre seg, base2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) rase gjennom, gjøre i full fart2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) basing, vilter lekspøk--------tumleIsubst. \/rɒmp\/1) villstyring, propell (overført), villkatt (overført)2) vill lek, tumling3) ( sport) overlegen seier4) heisaturbe on the romp herje, være helt propellgame of romps vill lekgo through something in a romp gjøre noe lekende lett, seile gjennom noehave a romp tumle segin a romp med letthet, som en røykwin in a romp vinne overlegentIIverb \/rɒmp\/1) ( spesielt om barn) leke vilt, tumle seg, boltre seg, base2) være helt propell3) ( hverdagslig) vinne overlegentromp in\/home vinne overlegentromp through something gjøre noe lekende lett, seile gjennom noe -
3 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) poskakovati, preganjati se2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) igraje opraviti2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) bučna igra* * *I [rɔmp]nounrazposajen otrok, razposajenka; hrupna igra, razposajenost, bučno veseljeII [rɔmp]intransitive verbrazposajeno, hrupno se igrati, skakati, preganjati se, divjati, tepsti se, pretepati se; slang z lahkoto drveti, letetito romp home, to romp in — z lahkoto, igraje zmagati (o konju na dirkah) -
4 romp
romp [rɒmp]s'ébattre (bruyamment), gambarder;∎ the children were romping gleefully in the garden les enfants s'ébattaient joyeusement dans le jardin;∎ to romp away with a race gagner une course haut la main;∎ to romp home (candidate, horse, runner) arriver dans un fauteuil;∎ the favourite romped home ten lengths ahead le favori est arrivé avec dix bonnes longueurs d'avance2 noun∎ sex romps ébats mpl amoureux;∎ figurative the book is a romp through two centuries of French history le livre nous promène à travers deux siècles d'histoire de France(b) (film, play) farce f, comédie f∎ it was a romp c'était du gâteau∎ to romp through one's work expédier son travail sans difficulté;∎ she romped through the test elle a réussi le test haut la main -
5 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) tumle2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) drøne igennem2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) tumlen* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) tumle2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) drøne igennem2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) tumlen -
6 romp
romp [rɒmp]1. nouna. ( = book, film, play) livre, film ou pièce drôle et plein d'action• to romp home ( = win) gagner haut la main* * *[rɒmp] 1.1) ( frolic) ébats mpl2) ( easy victory) victoire f facile2.intransitive verb s'ébattre -
7 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) brincar2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) resolver num instante2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) brincadeira* * *[rɔmp] n 1 brincadeira descomedida, folia. 2 brincadeira, travessura. 3 Turf vitória fácil. 4 criança travessa. 5 rapaz ou moça dado a brincadeiras descomedidas. • vi 1 brincar ruidosa e descomedidamente. 2 fazer uma farra, fazer travessura. 3 Turf ganhar facilmente. the horse romped home / o cavalo ganhou facilmente. to romp through executar algo rapida e facilmente. -
8 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) ærslast2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) fara létt í gegnum (e-ð)2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) ærsl -
9 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) draiskoties2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) viegli gūt panākumus2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) draiskulība; draiskošanās* * *draiskošanās; nebēdnieks; draiskoties; gūt vieglu uzvaru -
10 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) išdykauti2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) lengvai įveikti2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) išdykavimas -
11 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) skotačit2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) hravě překonat2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) dovádění* * *• skotačit• skotačení -
12 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) vyvádzať2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) hravo prekonať2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) vyčíňanie* * *• utekat• hladké vítazstvo• behat• nahnat• nahánacka -
13 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) a se zbengui2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) a trece uşor peste ceva; a face ceva fără greutate/fluierând2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) hârjoneală, zbenguială -
14 romp
[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) παίζω με κέφι2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) αντεπεξέρχομαι με άνεση2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) κεφάτο παιχνίδι -
15 romp
1. intransitive verb1) [herum]tollen2. nounromp home or in — spielend gewinnen
Tollerei, diehave a romp — [herum]tollen
* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) balgen2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) spielend bewältigen2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) die Balgerei* * *[rɒmp, AM rɑ:mp]I. vi▪ to \romp around [or about] herumtollendon't worry, you'll \romp through! keine Sorge, du schaffst das schon!to \romp home [or in] [or to victory] BRIT SPORT spielend gewinnenII. nsex \romp Sexspiel[chen] nt meist pej* * *[rɒmp]1. nTollerei f; (hum = sexual intercourse) Nümmerchen nt (inf)the play was just a romp — das Stück war reiner Klamauk
to have a romp — herumtollen or -toben/ein Nümmerchen machen (inf)
2. vi1) (children, puppies) herumtollen or -tobenhe came romping up to me — er kam auf mich zugetollt
2)to romp away with the title — den Titel einstecken
3)to romp through sth — mit etw spielend fertig werden, etw mit der linken Hand erledigen
* * *A v/iromp through fig spielend durchkommen;romp through an examination eine Prüfung mit links bestehen umg2. rasen, (dahin)flitzen:romp away davonziehen (Rennpferd etc);with mit)B s1. obs Wildfang m, Range f2. Tollen n, Toben n, Balgerei f:have a romp → A 13. umg Techtelmechtel n, Geschmuse n* * *1. intransitive verb1) [herum]tollen2) (coll.): (win, succeed, etc. easily)2. nounromp home or in — spielend gewinnen
Tollerei, diehave a romp — [herum]tollen
* * *n.Range -n f. v.tollen v. -
16 romp
I [rɒmp]1) (frolic) divertimento m., spasso m.2) (easy victory) facile vittoria f.II [rɒmp]verbo intransitivo [children, puppies] ruzzare, scatenarsi* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) giocare (in modo scalmanato)2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) cavarsela2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) trambusto* * *[rɒmp]1. n2. vi(also: romp about) (children, puppies) giocare chiassosamenteFALSE FRIEND: romp is not translated by the Italian word rompereto romp home — (horse) vincere senza difficoltà, stravincere
* * *romp /rɒmp/n.1 gioco chiassoso; trambusto; (fam.) spasso, divertimento2 (giorn.) exploit sessuale3 (equit. e fig.) andatura sostenuta; scatto veloce(to) romp /rɒmp/v. i.2 (giorn.) fare sesso3 (equit.) procedere ad andatura sostenuta● ( sport) to romp away, fare un'ottima performance □ ( sport) to romp away with st., aggiudicarsi qc. senza problemi: They romped away with the semi-final, si sono aggiudicati la semifinale senza problemi □ ( sport) to romp home (o to victory), vincere facilmente: He romped home well ahead of the others, ha tagliato il traguardo con un bel vantaggio sugli altri.* * *I [rɒmp]1) (frolic) divertimento m., spasso m.2) (easy victory) facile vittoria f.II [rɒmp]verbo intransitivo [children, puppies] ruzzare, scatenarsi -
17 romp
[rɔmp] 1. nigraszki pl2. vi(also: romp about) dokazywać, baraszkowaćto romp home — horse wygrywać (wygrać perf) bez wysiłku
* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) dokazywać2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) brać z marszu2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) dokazywanie -
18 romp
1. n сорванец, сорвиголова2. n тж. возня, шумная игра3. n амер. сл. драка4. v подымать возню, возиться, шумно играть5. v разг. с лёгкостью обойтиСинонимический ряд:1. lark (noun) bash; caper; celebration; frolic; good time; hop; lark; merrymaking; party; play2. runaway (noun) cakewalk; rout; runaway; walkaway; walkover3. carouse (verb) carouse; celebrate; revel4. frisk (verb) caper; cavort; dance; dance around; frisk; frolic; gambol; hop; play; prance; rollick; spring -
19 romp
lármás gyerek, hancúrozás, fiús lány, vad játék to romp: pajkoskodik, vadul játszik, vadul* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) pajkoskodik2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) könnyen leküzd2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) hancúrozás -
20 romp
n. haşarı çocuk, ele avuca sığmaz çocuk, itişme, boğuşma, kolay kazanılan galibiyet————————v. itişip kakışmak, boğuşmak, azmak (çocuk), haşarılık etmek, kolay kazanmak, zorlanmadan geçmek* * *1. sıçrayıp oyna (v.) 2. sıçrayıp oynama (n.)* * *[romp] 1. verb1) (to play in a lively way, especially by running about, jumping etc: The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.) hoplayıp zıplamak2) (to progress quickly and easily: Some people find these problems difficult but he just romps through them.) kolayca ilerlemek2. noun(the act of romping: The children had a romp in the grass.) hoplayıp zıplama
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
romp´er — romp «romp», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to play in a rough, boisterous way; rush, tumble, and punch in play: »boys and girls romping together and running after one another (Samuel Butler). 2. a) to run or go rapidly and with little effort, as in racing … Useful english dictionary
romp — ► VERB 1) play about roughly and energetically. 2) informal achieve something easily. 3) (romp home/in) informal finish as the easy winner of a race or other contest. 4) informal engage in sexual activity. ► NOUN 1) a spell of romping … English terms dictionary
romp — /rɒmp / (say romp) verb (i) 1. to play or frolic in a lively or boisterous manner. 2. to run or go rapidly and without effort, as in racing. –noun 3. a romping frolic. 4. a swift, effortless pace. –phrase 5. romp home (or in), to win easily.… …
romp through — To do (something) quickly and easily • • • Main Entry: ↑romp * * * ˈromp ˌthrough [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they romp through he/she/it … Useful english dictionary
romp ahead — ˌromp a ˈhead [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they romp ahead he/she/it romps ahead present participle romping ahead past tense romped ahead … Useful english dictionary
romp — verb 1》 play about roughly and energetically. 2》 informal achieve something easily. ↘(romp home/in) finish as the easy winner of a race or other contest. 3》 informal engage in sexual activity, especially illicitly. noun 1》 a spell of romping … English new terms dictionary
romp — verb Syn: play, frolic, frisk, gambol, skip, prance, caper, cavort … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
romp — [[t]rɒ̱mp[/t]] romps, romping, romped 1) VERB Journalists use romp in expressions like romp home, romp in, or romp to victory, to say that a person or horse has won a race or competition very easily. [V adv/prep] Mr Foster romped home with 141… … English dictionary
romp — romp1 [ ramp ] verb intransitive if children or animals romp, they play or move around in a lively and often noisy way romp home/to victory MAINLY JOURNALISM to win something such as a race or competition very easily romp ,through phrasal verb… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
romp — I UK [rɒmp] / US [rɑmp] verb [intransitive] Word forms romp : present tense I/you/we/they romp he/she/it romps present participle romping past tense romped past participle romped if children or animals romp, they play or move around in a lively… … English dictionary
romp — 1 verb (I) 1 (always + adv/prep) to play in a noisy way, especially by running, jumping etc (+ around/about): They could hear the children romping around upstairs. 2 romp home if someone or something, especially a horse in a race, romps home,… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English